Red Zone

關於我們: Red Zone的介紹

Red Zone係香港其中一間最新嘅室內戰爭遊戲CQB場地,位於MegaBox 13樓,位置方便。作為最新同最具身歷其境感嘅場地之一,提供充足空間,讓玩家體驗刺激嘅戰鬥場面。



Red Zone設有不同主題的遊戲區域,以及專業人員為您打造難忘和刺激的顧客體驗。
Red Zone Equipment Option of Airsoft and Gel Blaster
Red Zone Nerf Equipment
Red Zone Equipment Option of Airsoft and Gel Blaster
Red Zone Equipment Coming Soon


如有任何問題,請隨時聯絡我們,我們的團隊會全程協助你。請透過WhatsApp at 21529669 發送訊息,提出你的問題或預訂詳情。
Zones Staff writing on Whiteboard
Red Zone - Resting Area 03
Red Zone Dystopia
Red Zone Dystopia Window

Meet the Team

Behind the Scenes: Meet Our Dynamic Team

Red Zone is run by a team of airsoft and coaching experts who wish to expand and explore the industry. Our specialists include international champions, interior designers, airsoft experts, career coaches, professional photographers and native English speakers.

你的組織有體驗過Red Zone的刺激嗎?

超過400個組織已經體驗過Red Zone引人入勝的戰爭遊戲冒險



我哋係屬於War Zone / Red Zone /
Landing Zone / X-Zone 家族底下嘅一個分部。